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Monday, 31 December 2012 | Monday, December 31, 2012 | 0 potion(s)
Being a girl raised in house that have enough love.Maybe more than enough..I was used of being spoiled,have almost whatever I wanted.But there is a part of me is not calm,it feel like something is wrong somewhere .……I am a muslim girl,i am born with the title of a muslim.That title never bring any meaning to me before.But now it all is clear,how lucky i am to be born as a muslim,then why i have to be a muslim just on name,just by wearing hijab but never covered anything.My little brothers brought home a flyer about the right way to.wear hijab,the real meaning of hijab..but can i change from my jeans to jubah?from my shawl,turban to a hijab that really covered me……i hope i can……may Allah give me his guidance.May Allah always show me the right path towards him.Insyallah.![]() Tuesday, 25 December 2012 | Tuesday, December 25, 2012 | 0 potion(s)
Dalam due hari lepas,aku pergi kedai cermin mata.Aku memang dah buat spec kat situ since aku darjah empat.First spec pon buat kat situ jugak.Aku pergi sane then kene pergi check.Aku still takut nak masuk dalam bilik tuh even dah selalu masuk.Rase macam pergi dentist je,mungkin kedai tu je lagi yang gune kerusi macam tu.Very old fashioned.But,i likee :)Then Uncle tuh cakap yang mate kanan aku dah bergerak arah.Aku pon tak faham sangat tapi aku jadi takut lah pulak dengar.Lepas ni azam nak makan carrot banyak-banyak.Err -,- Auntie kedai tuh sangat-sangat humble,and very down to earth.Sometimes a very complete stranger can be the most pleasant one rite?Aku memang dah set awal-awal nak spec macam mane tapi auntie tuh sangat bersungguh-sungguh layan aku,Siap tolong pilihkan warna and design last-last aku ikut je ape yang yang auntie tuh pilih.Haha,kesian kan aku.Tapi aku tak sampai hati nak cakap tak.Tapi belek-belek kat cermin cakap dalam hati oeky jugak kan,nampak macam pandai je aku pakai spec ni.Hee Esok spec tuh siap,jadi boleh pergi amek esok,Bye2 nak makan :)) ![]() Sunday, 23 December 2012 | Sunday, December 23, 2012 | 0 potion(s)
Too much of expectationWill hurt many of loved ones if i can't do itWill broke her heart real badlyGoin to make me myself go insaneThe stupid 'WHAT IF' game keep playing like a broken recordKeep makin me feel uselessKeep makin me feel like giving upI forgotten just can't play its part hereI wish i have courage to deal with thisBut all i have here is justThe cowardly me![]() Thursday, 20 December 2012 | Thursday, December 20, 2012 | 0 potion(s)
![]() Wednesday, 19 December 2012 | Wednesday, December 19, 2012 | 0 potion(s)
Aina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Aku takut lah nak masuk sekolah sorang-sorang.Cube kau bayang kan takde kau takde Anis.Mati lah aku.Aku takut weyhhhAina macam mane ni?Aku takut gile kodd bile pikir aku kene pergi kantin sorang-sorang.pergi toilet sorang-sorang.duduk dalam kelas soarang-sorang. Lagi aku takut bile pikir aku kene kawan dengan anak model terkenal uh.Kalau tak pon nanti aku jadi macam Raihana.Diam je,mulut ternganga.Nanti kau jumpe aku balek kau tengok aku dah blur semacam je maksud nye aku dah berjangkit dengan Raihana lah tuh. Kau buat lah blog mok nanti kau tulis je pasal bende yang kau happy kau sedih nanti kite boleh otp okeyh? ![]() Tuesday, 18 December 2012 | Tuesday, December 18, 2012 | 0 potion(s)
What the ahah lah mamat ni.Tiap kali aku online je balek-balek name kau jugak yang keluar kat chatbox tuh.Sekarang twitter pon kau ade?Ini membuat aku stress lagi lagi cara kau layan aku tuh.Please dont make me fall for you okeyh??!
Sekarang aku teramat lah stress bile tengok gamba cover kau.Nak je aku tanye siape minah tuh?Tarik nafas perlahan-lahan.Clear kan ruang udara.Think as a girl that have dignity.Never let yourself down paham?
Ya Allah serabut nye aku bile memikirkan aksi malu tapi mahu mu itu.Sakit nye otak aku bile kau panggil aku macam tu.Auumm,kau sungguh menggoda ;)
Pikir straight Anis oii!!Okeyhh,lupe kan dia.Dia cume kawan lame yang suare hot dengan muke comel dengan mate menggoda.Oh,what the ahah?
Kbye nak pergi makan.A good way to let stress out and a good way to gain weight too.*sigh
![]() Monday, 17 December 2012 | Monday, December 17, 2012 | 0 potion(s)
Oh.LaLaLa~.Kenyang perut senang hati,hiwhiw^^
Kerinduan yang teramat nak update blog,sudah lama kau ku tinggal kan,maaf kan aku ye miss blogger.Bukan tak nak update tapi tak sempaat lorhh.Okeyh disebabkan dah lame tak update hari ni aku nak update panjang-panjang.
What the ah ah.Kenape lah minah ni dari tadi dok mengganggu keamanan aku berblogging?Suroh aku buat kan acc baru untuk dye.Disebabkan aku nih seorang yang baik hati^^ aku buat kan.Then,minah ni tanye aku step 1 tuh ape,Ohhh~adek kau sangat membuat darah aku naik melebihi paras maksimum.Disebabkan aku ni adalah minah-minah stok THE HULK aku terus unfriend dye.Hamek kau! Kan dah kene remove.Padam muke kau kene unfriend :P,Yeahhhh!!! Ketahuilah anda jangan cube-cube membuat saye naik angin atau anda akan bertemu dengan INCREDIBLE ANIS *,* ) Sekarang kite lupekan pasal minah tuh dan fokus kepada saye!Den dah tak sabar nak cerite nih tau tak. Aku nak cerite pasal baju sekolah dulu lahh.Baju sekolah aku semua nye ditempah khas dari PUAN NORLIN a.k.a MAK ATUL!! *tepuk tangan cepat.*Tapi ade sedikit kesilapan kat baju aku uhh,bagi mak aku lha bagi aku okeyy what^^ Baju tuh sempurna muat di tubuh bagai kan baju kebaya.I LIKE* Tapi mak aku unlike pulak dye kate mane ade baju sekolah sempit macam ni.Kene besar kan balek...Sedih* Macam guni lah aku pergi sekolah tahun depan,mesti Midah buat aku jadi contoh pakaian pelajar punyelah.Tapi aku masih belum beli beg,kasut dan yang sewaktu dengan nye. Reason kenape aku belum beli lagi?Sebab aku nak pergi beli dengan Aniz dan Aina.Tapi Aina bukan nye nak reply text aku pon.*sobsob :( Berdoa supaye mak aku bagi aku keluar lha,Jngan tak bagi sudah,kecewa mek tau lau tak dapat keluar..:(( Sampai disini sahaja lah entry kite pada hari ini,my mom dah panggil makan,makan sangat penting tahu :)) Seluar aku dah tak boleh zip dah,sangat menakutkan..Adakah aku sudah gemuk???Tidak!! ![]() Monday, 10 December 2012 | Monday, December 10, 2012 | 0 potion(s)
The thought of celibate have been on my mind for few days..It just make me goes crazy.Does't make any sense of being a footman before to me.My affection for him before was so deep..But it just WAS.Right now my body feel numb.My heart and brain of course.
I just can't feel the equation we used to had before.It just like we both are trying too hard to protect our own skin.Its like both of us was trying to save this liaison but in the same time we are destroying it..I used being spoiled by him. I'm eager to have that feeling once more.Maybe I was too greedy,wanting more and more..
I know that my attitude was the one that make him like this.He just too protective for himself and our liaison.Maybe to him i'm giving him gestures that make him like this,hiding in a shell hoping it will stand long enough for him to survive behind it for ever.
*If he wants you to be on his side,he'll put you there.You don't have to fight for a spot.But,what if he does't?Do you still want to fight for a spot?This is repeated again and again in my head,Its killin me.Urghh!!
![]() Saturday, 1 December 2012 | Saturday, December 01, 2012 | 0 potion(s)
Irritated by his behavior,sick of his complaint..fell like im having a mother-inlaw and the worst part is HE is a man,,can you imagine having a man as your mother in law?Crazy huh?OMG hope this two day will not be suck as i imagine..just have to keep my finger cross :'( Just want to spill everything felt to him but he does't even reply my text..feel like killing him using bricks..throw bricks at him will give me alot of satisfication!!!! ![]() | Saturday, December 01, 2012 | 0 potion(s)
Semalam pergi klinik,tunggu kemain lame lagi pastu jumpe doktor yang satu keturunan dengan Param pulak,,aku cakap dye potong,ye lha kau doktor kan,,,Saba je lha..Then dye cakap lagi due minggu kene pergi lagi untuk jumpe pakar pulak..ohsemmm :'(Aku paling benci klinik,hospital atau yang sewaktu dengan nye..I have to go through it all again :'( Aku dulu pernah ade history dengan sinus,and kebelakangan ini semakin teruk so ibu aku cakap jom pergi check kot-kot kanser ke,,mak macam nak jatuh jantung aku dengar ibu aku cakap camtu..doa-doa dijauh kan lah..just anggap aku kene jangkitan sinus yang teruk kan,, Ape-ape pon kene tunggu lagi dua minggu and harap aku tak ade kene pape penyakit yang menakutkan lha,,nak kawen dulu baru boleh mati..hee. ![]() |