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I Love Being Me :)
Monday 4 June 2012 | Monday, June 04, 2012 | 0 potion(s)
Aku suka jadi siape diri aku.Even kadang-kadang aku mengeluh sebab muke aku x breape nak cun,aku tak berape nak hot,aku tak berape nak kaye,Yang penting aku selalu lha mengeluh sebab aku nak sangat jadi perfect.Tapi kadang-kadang tak semue bende kite nak kite dapat kan.So accept things as it is.
Aku tak macam sesetengah orang yang mintak semue bende die dapat,aku tak macam sesetengah orang yang nampak cantik setiap masa.Tapi aku accept sebab bende tu ajar aku untuk lebih gigih untuk dapat bende yang aku nak.Contoh nye kalau aku nak something mesty kene dapat result baik-baik baru boley dapat,tapi tape aku accept je lha.
Yeah baby i'm just an ordinary girl that have to say repatly what she want before she get it,i'm am the type of girl who rarely steps in those fancy designer shops,i'm the kind of girl that live her live full of laugh and don't care if people hate her and yeahh i admit that my most expensive thing that i ever had that truly belong to me is my laugh :)