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Monday, 26 November 2012 | Monday, November 26, 2012 | 0 potion(s)
I've been on the web from midnight until dawn for a few days now..My dad is already buzzing like a bee..yeah2.I have no idea how i can get on video vlog about some teens tell stories about their pregnancy and baby..some are horror but some was kinda sweet..I ve been watching these two young pregnant girl.Both of them are so pretty.Kinda look similiar..One of them have a easy journey,she already gave birth and now her son is two and the half year.Her baby's father is still with her,omgeeee they are the sweetest couple ever.She hot and her bf is smokin hot too..their son is superrb cute..The other girl was dumped by her bf because of the baby..and she got stupid prank call,harsh text and even blackmailing!But she is strong and barve..im gonna keep watching her journey..its kinda wasting my time but sorta fun:)) ![]() Sunday, 25 November 2012 | Sunday, November 25, 2012 | 0 potion(s)
This song really got into me.Harsh..She explain our whole relationship in jjust a song..really got into me..
So much for my happy ending
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... Let's talk this over It's not like we're dead Was it something I did? Was it something You said? Don't leave me hanging In a city so dead Held up so high On such a breakable thread You were all the things I thought I knew And I thought we could be You were everything, everything that I wanted We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away All this time you were pretending So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... You've got your dumb friends I know what they say They tell you I'm difficult But so are they But they don't know me Do they even know you? All the things you hide from me All the shit that you do All the stuff that you do You were all the things I thought I knew And I thought we could be It's nice to know that you were there Thanks for acting like you cared And making me feel like I was the only one It's nice to know we had it all Thanks for watching as I fall And letting me know we were done So much for my happy ending ![]() Thursday, 22 November 2012 | Thursday, November 22, 2012 | 0 potion(s)
My first attempt making this,turn out not so well but can be eaten,ahaks..Bahan-bahan nak buat cupcake ni mahal lah jugak.Aku buat topping cupcake ni pakai whipping cream je,Easy to make easy to eat..huhu
Benda paling penting mesti lha oreo kan,I love oreo so much..lovin it since i was't even born.K enough,too much of hiperbola.Maybe Manikam get too much on me..
K abaikan.
Resepi kat atas fridge,senang nak tengok sikit.
Momok nih menunjukan kegedikan melampau,last-last aku masuk kan dye dalam poket apron aku.Dye ni comel macam Pierre tau..
Cream cheese ni mahal tau tak,dekat 40 hengget satu kotak nih,meroyan mak aku kejap
Pape pon yang epnting aku dah try resepi nih and banyak lagi cream cheese dalam fridge so esok nak buat kek dengan filling creamcheese and choclate ganache.
![]() Wednesday, 21 November 2012 | Wednesday, November 21, 2012 | 0 potion(s)
I can't understand the reason you doing all this.Why you have to force me through this all over again?Im done,im sick of it.I just have enough,don't you dare to think that you manage to make my tears fall.Oh, you are so wrong if you think im going to cry because of you.That the last thing i would do..You can harm me no more..Swallow it down deep your throat and suck it in your brain. I AM NOT GOING TO FALL FOR YOU AGAIN.Im going to do everything i could to prevent my heart getting another wound.I will make sure my heart is not exposed by you.![]() Monday, 19 November 2012 | Monday, November 19, 2012 | 0 potion(s)
Sebenarnye entry ni dah dekat due hari dok terperuk dekat dalam draft.Baru hari ni dapat publish sebab internet dari haritu menunjukan kebabian yang teramat sangat.
Muke berminyak!!!Sile abai kan ye..Time ni aku tengah makan aiskrim choclate peppermint..Yummy :))
Sumpah sedap,kat Seremban tade jual aiskrim ni yang ade kat Cameron je.Aiskrim ni takkan cair,maybe sebab cuaca sejuk kodd kat sane..Lepas makan aiskrim rushing balek apartment sebab nak tengok cite hindustan..perghhh,,feeling seyh tengok cite tuhh..macam tengok ombak rindu,Ahaks.
Muke baru bangun tidur,,penat weyh dalam kete dari Seremban sampai Cameron.Sedap madu tuh,,murah je singgit satu,memang aku bedal banyak-banyak..Aku dok cameron ni buat tambah berat badan je..Heheh..I love to eat!!
Sampai di sini jo lha entry den kali nihh.Nak tido!!nyte2!
![]() Sunday, 18 November 2012 | Sunday, November 18, 2012 | 0 potion(s)
Me :)) breaking up again..
Motif letak gambar:suke-suke je :))
Aku break kali ni sebab dye maki-maki aku dengan perkataan yang sangat lah kurang ajar,Woi,orang tue,aku ni bukan bini kau ea kau nak maki aku camtu,dengan harapan kau membaca blog aku,hiwhiw ;)
Aku memang dah lame try nak sabar dengan kau,kau marah-marah aku malas nak lawan,tapi dah melampau lah tu kau nak cakap aku pantat bagai..weyh mak mak bapak aku pon tak pernah cakap aku camtu
Mule-mule kau dok reply k je kan,,so aku ingat kau tade mood macam smalam,kan smalam kau marah-marah aku sebab kau cakap kau tade mood kan,jadi aku tanye sebab aku malas nak gaduh,Tup tup free je kene maki ngan kau.Aku memang suke dowh kene maki ngan kau,Dah hobi lha kan..
Lepas kene maki dengan kau,lepas aku mintak break aku nangis dalam lime minit je kodd bukan sebab break tapi sebab aku geram gile.Dah hilang geram,anis call.gayot kejap ngan aniz sampai kol tige.
Gelak-gelak,borak-borak,then ngumpat-ngumpat,wajib lha tuh kan..
Anis:Niz,kau lupe kan je lha panjang tuh,selambe dye je nak maki-maki kau.
Aku:Tape dah biase dah kene maki dengan dye
Anis:So,kau nak rujuj-rujuk balik ke ni?Tayah lha wey.
Aku:Hahah,gile kau nak rujuk balik ngan dye.Harap tak lah.
Anis:Nak balak baru tak?Aku ley tolong.
Anis:Nak umor bape?Nak putih ke tak?
Aku:Hahah,aku nak yang itam lha,,tak selere tgk org putih ni.
Anis:Terok taste kau ni nis. Aku:Yolha,nak yang putih,muke jambu-jambu sket lha ea Anis:K ngam.
(rase cam beli anak kucing pulak,nak yang putih lha,itam lha -,-)
p/s:Feeling nak nyanyi lagu we are never ever getting back togeter,domo jom tgk istanbul aku datang.Nak?
![]() Friday, 16 November 2012 | Friday, November 16, 2012 | 0 potion(s)
Aku tak penting untuk dye.Aku tengok dye macam tak kisah pon nak jemput aku.Mule-mule aku try buat tak kisah je,,buat buat tak amek tau pon.Tapi aku text dye petang tadi,mule-mule dye reply lambat-lambat.Tape,aku tau dye busy,pastu dye kate jap g text blek ea,,dari pukul 2 sampai pukul 5.Aku dah sumpah geram n sedih tahap cipan...Text aniz and domo..Aniz cakap kau pegy je majlis dye uh,dye dah melebih tu,,kau tau lha bibah camne..domo cakap tayah pegy de,,kau tggu sampai dye ajak kau pegy dulu...Aku cakap ngan domo memang takmlah kan nak tunggu dye jemput aku...
Aku cakap dengan panjang aku nak tidur,,aku tak tydo pon.Biar lah dye hepy2 ngan membe-membe dye arini..Aku nak jadi halimunan kejap..Then.akak aku cakap weyh tgk status bibah....Huh,tersirap darah den baco ea..Bagitau domo,,dye kate ape batak sangat pompuan tuh sampai tu pon nak kene buat status...Ahaks,aku sayang kau domo..Baru cadang nak ngadu kat Imal tapi imal takde keydt lak...
Frust menonggeng kejap aku,,rase nak feeling-feeling dengar lagu jiwang...K bye,,nak gayot dengan sahabat dunie akhirat aku yang panjang benci tuh..Kau benci membe aku kan??aku lagi benci membe ko :P
![]() Thursday, 15 November 2012 | Thursday, November 15, 2012 | 0 potion(s)
Thanks for all you have done for me,you make me smile,laugh,cries,im so sorry...but i've given you hell lots of second time..And each time you break your promises..i am not a saint,im telling you that...i don't know how you can tell lies but at the same time you promises me hell lot of things.I should have known this coming,,silly me huh?What do i expect,expect you to be a true Prince Charming,,well you do have charm,,i admit that,but that the only thing you have,rite??Maybe,tomorrow your sweet talk will make my heart melt again and i won't say a word about all this stuff but i can promise you that i did't trust you,idont have faith on you,,the simplyiest way to describe this is you dont have my trust,i will never believe anything you said or say..keep that in your head... ![]() | Thursday, November 15, 2012 | 0 potion(s)
D-ra Aiza Adira II
Shial !
Ny aku aiza !!!
Pantekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk !
Fareez Danial
mane satu nie pantat?
D-ra Aiza Adira II
Shial lha jaii !
Kw stim tgk aku tdy , pahal ?
Fareez Danial
tetek kau sedap ar
D-ra Aiza Adira II
lancaw lha !
Fareez Danial
asal ?
D-ra Aiza Adira II
Fareez Danial
maen jom ??
D-ra Aiza Adira II
g laa M
Fareez Danial
aku bongkar rahsie kau
D-ra Aiza Adira II
aku haram kn kw !
Fareez Danial
haram utk ape ??
kau bkan bg aku rase pon
D-ra Aiza Adira II
duet akuu
Fareez Danial
boleh bayar lah
D-ra Aiza Adira II
hoyyy [[xatredface]]
Fareez Danial
D-ra Aiza Adira II
ta dea ppw .
Fareez Danial
rindu ar tuh?
D-ra Aiza Adira II
perasan lebihh .
Fareez Danial
D-ra Aiza Adira II
Fareez Danial
hah ??
D-ra Aiza Adira II
Sukaa ati kw lha .
Fareez Danial
Seen Mon 00:01
condition: / heart:hurt / mind:blank / feelings:nothing at all / total:emptyness ibu,betol lha ape ibu cakap..:)) ![]() | Thursday, November 15, 2012 | 0 potion(s)
Esok birthday dye..Aku dah kemain excited dah...
Dye cakap esok dye ade buad makan-makan kat rumah dye,Aku dah sebok pikir camne nak buat ayung ikut aku pergi...Then,,tadi gayot ngan dye,,dushhhh!!!!
Rase macam kene tumbuk kat muke je bile dye cakap lau dye ajak aku pon bukan aku boley datang,,tape laa..malas aku nak cakap pape kan..
Dye cakap bibah pon ade,minah uh siap kol mak dye lagi bagitau nak buad kek untuk dye.Dah mengalir2 dah air mate aku ni macam sungai..bukan sebab jeles tapi sebab ape yang dye cakap lepas aku bagitau dye jangan dekat ngan bibah..dye cakap orang dekat ngan bibah tau jeles bile orang dekat ngan dye lari2..
Pastu dye kate aku konker dye..Ramai kodd yang ingat aku ni dengki kat bibah lha bagai..tape,,aku paham,,Bibah uh macam mane pulak kan,depan2 orang macam kucing parsi belakang mulut macam longkang,banyak kali aku kene dengan dye sampai ibu aku pon bagi aku rembat dye.Aku boleh tahan dye kutuk aku,akak aku,membe aku,tapi sori lha sampai mak aku kau nak kutuk...don't push your luck lha sayang oii..
Aku takut nanti panjang gak yang kene..can see the pattern clearly lha.Time dye tade kawan dye carik panjang time dye ade kawan dye tak kesah pon kan..
Tadi aku kol panjang gune phone ibu,dye ngah tydo..aku cakap dye balas camtu2 je,,aku cakap bye...tak boleh ke at least dye buad2 concern siket..tak boley ke dye anta call-me-back..
B..org buad cmni sebab org sayang b..lantak b lha nak pikir ape pon sal org pasni..according to ur friend im suck,according to my friend you suck..we are just too different....that concern me alot..u know i dont want to lose u,,but..
Ya Allah show me the right path,always guide me towards you,give my heart some peace...
Aku memang konker dye,sebab aku tanak hilang dye lagi skali..aku tanak dengar cite pasal dye ngan pompuan laen lagi..
B,org mintak maaf sebab off phone..i needed time on my own..i just can't accept the fact that i might get hurt again..it just too much for me to handle..b,orang mintak maaf sebab buad cmni waktu2 b sepatut nye hepy...you'll be fine without me,,u have ur friend..remember you tell me this before"due2 same penting untuk b"im nothing more than a friend....:')
b..ngan budak form 1 pon boley ke??kate suke pompuan matured,,asal aa b suke cmni...never should have get back together...![]() Tuesday, 6 November 2012 | Tuesday, November 06, 2012 | 0 potion(s)
After thousands of second chances i gave him and he broke my heart each time,now i felt like stupid person.Letting my self into a endless stupid love story..which in the story im the victim... Sometimes or maybe all the time i have this envy towards my friends who have a long-term relationship,,some of them are not so happy even after a long time being a couple.Just like <A>,,she have a long term relationship but she was not happy i can tell that..her dump ass boyfriend have make her sad over again kinda like my own story huh?but she never fight back.She swallow it down deep her deepest heart..Why would't she fight back,why she did't say anything,why did she make everything seem alright and fake a smile?? Those question was played in my mind again and again like a broken tape.And somehow i got the courage to ask her..She told me because she love him,she cannot bear with the fact of losing him. Her answer does not make me happy,satisfied or even sad.I cannot tell how i felt somehow.The thing that i playing in my mind was ''does my love for him is not that strong,is not that solid,or did i even really love him??godd,,i cannot bear the fact that actually did not love him,,if i did not love him then what in the world that i felt towards him??..If i love him so much why can't i be like <A>?? Can someone answer me,,pleasee even the dumbest answer i'll will accept.. I still remember how i got the strength to throw away all his stuff.I got the courage from Sara Joe.I read Sara Joe's blog about her broken long term relationship..she accept it calmly and she gave such a motivating words.She said things happen as time passes..I dont't even know what to think when i first break up with him.After reading this at first i accept the fact calmly and wisely... But now the "What If" game keep making my head tired."What if he does the same thing again?what if he just want to play you?what if he have hundreds of mistrees out there?what if im not that important to him?what if all his words is just a lie?" Damn.I cannot think straight now..maybe there a meaning behind this all.May Allah show me the right path to be chosen :') ![]() |